4 oz bottle ( a little goes a long way )
Add a few drops to scalp and massage in anywhere anytime as much as you want . Let sit and rinse or keep in it’s up to you .
DHT is one of the most COMMON causes of hair loss
Dihydrotestosterone aka DHT is a hormone present in both men and women . The production of the DHT occurs by the conversion of testoster by the testes and prostate in men and the ovaries in women .This happens with the help of an enzyme called five alpha.
DHT attaches itself to the hair follicle smothering it over time ,which causes thinning overtime and eventually complete hair loss /balding.
Herbs such as nettle , neem , borage , onion skin , fennel and many more kill DHT and let the hair grow natural .
As we know everything that you put on your skin absorbs into your bloodstream.